Promising Piper Pattison
Welcome back to Glasgow Street Music! This week’s post is on something a little different… Introducing 15 year old Andrew Pattison from Troon! A keen bagpiper and South Ayrshire’s Young Musician of the Year 2018, Andrew’s been busking for around three years. From seeing the positive reception that busking bagpipers received from tourists and locals alike, Andrew decided to try his hand at piping on Buchanan Street after some encouragement from his grandpa. The sight of Andrew piping quickly gathered the crowds; a 12 year old boy playing a national symbol of Scotland itself was a depiction of our country’s rich culture and his own talents combined. Here's a younger Andrew gathering the crowds Bagpipes are no easy instrument to learn, and Andrew puts in every effort to master his performance through his involvement in the award-winning 1st Troon Boys Brigade pipe band and by studying Higher Music at school (a year early might I add!) On top of this, Andrew earned a sp...